Space Mega Labs Apps

Inferno Galaxy Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Inferno Galaxy Live Wallpaper" starts newspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Inferno Galaxy Live Wallpaper"
Milky Way HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Milky Way HD Live Wallpaper" starts new spacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesome universetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass, battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Milky Way HD Live Wallpaper"The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. Thisname derives from its appearance as a dim "milky" glowing bandarching across the night sky, in which the naked eye cannotdistinguish individual stars. The term "Milky Way" is a translationof the Classical Latin via lactea, from the Greek γαλαξίας κύκλος(pr. galaxías kýklos, "milky circle").[ The Milky Way appears likea band because it is a disk-shaped structure being viewed frominside. The fact that this faint band of light is made up of starswas proven in 1610 when Galileo Galilei used his telescope toresolve it into individual stars. In the 1920s, observations byastronomer Edwin Hubble showed that the Milky Way is just one ofmany galaxies.
Space Treasure Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Treasure Live Wallpaper" starts newspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Treasure Live Wallpaper"
Space Clock HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Clock HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Clock HD Live Wallpaper"
Solar System HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Solar System HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Solar System HD Live Wallpaper"The Solar System consists of the Sun and its planetary systemofeight planets, their moons, and other non-stellar objects.Itformed 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse ofagiant molecular cloud. The vast majority of the system's mass isinthe Sun, with most of the remaining mass contained in Jupiter.Thefour smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,alsocalled the terrestrial planets, are primarily composed of rockandmetal. The four outer planets, called the gas giants,aresubstantially more massive than the terrestrials. The twolargest,Jupiter and Saturn, are composed mainly of hydrogen andhelium; thetwo outermost planets, Uranus and Neptune, are composedlargely ofsubstances with relatively high melting points (comparedwithhydrogen and helium), called ices, such as water, ammoniaandmethane, and are often referred to separately as "ice giants".Allplanets have almost circular orbits that lie within a nearlyflatdisc called the ecliptic plane.
Andromeda Space Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Andromeda Space Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassThe Andromeda Galaxy /ænˈdrɒmɨdə/ is a spiralgalaxyapproximately 2.5 million light-years (2.4×1019 km) fromEarth inthe Andromeda constellation. Also known as Messier 31, M31,or NGC224, it is often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula inoldertexts. The Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest spiral galaxy toourMilky Way galaxy, but not the closest galaxy overall. It getsitsname from the area of the sky in which it appears,theconstellation of Andromeda, which was named after themythologicalprincess Andromeda. The Andromeda Galaxy is the largestgalaxy ofthe Local Group, which also contains the Milky Way, theTriangulumGalaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies. Although thelargest,the Andromeda Galaxy may not be the most massive, asrecentfindings suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matterandcould be the most massive in the grouping. The 2006 observationsbythe Spitzer Space Telescope revealed that M31 contains onetrillion(1012) stars: at least twice the number of stars in theMilky Waygalaxy, which is estimated to be 200–400 billion.HOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Andromeda Space Live Wallpaper"
Spiral Galaxy Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Spiral Galaxy Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Spiral Galaxy Live Wallpaper"
Deep Space Mission Wallpaper 1.7
"Deep Space Mission Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Deep Space Mission Wallpaper"
Deep Space Mysteries Wallpaper 1.7
"Deep Space Mysteries Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Deep Space Mysteries Wallpaper"
Planets Theme Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Planets Theme Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Planets Theme Live Wallpaper"
Earth Space HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Earth Space HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Earth Space HD Live Wallpaper"Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densestandfifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It isalsothe largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. Itissometimes referred to as the world or the BluePlanet.Earth'slithosphere is divided into several rigid segments,or tectonicplates, that migrate across the surface over periods ofmanymillions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered bysaltwater oceans, with the remainder consisting of continentsandislands which together have many lakes and other sources ofwaterthat contribute to the hydrosphere. Earth's poles aremostlycovered with ice that is the solid ice of the Antarctic icesheetand the sea ice that is the polar ice packs. The planet'sinteriorremains active, with a solid iron inner core, a liquidouter corethat generates the magnetic field, and a thick layer ofrelativelysolid mantle.
Planet Earth HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Planet Earth HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassEarth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densestandfifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It isalsothe largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. Itissometimes referred to as the world or the Blue Planet.Earth formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago, and lifeappearedon its surface within its first billion years. Earth'sbiospherethen significantly altered the atmospheric and otherbasic physicalconditions, which enabled the proliferation oforganisms as well asthe formation of the ozone layer, whichtogether with Earth'smagnetic field blocked harmful solarradiation, and permittedformerly ocean-confined life to movesafely to land. The physicalproperties of the Earth, as well asits geological history andorbit, have allowed life to persist.Estimates on how much longerthe planet will be able to continue tosupport life range from 500million years (myr), to as long as 2.3billion years (byr).HOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Planet Earth HD Live Wallpaper"
Space Universe Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Universe Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Universe Live Wallpaper"The Universe is commonly defined as the totality ofexistence,including planets, stars, galaxies, the contents ofintergalacticspace, and all matter and energy. Similar termsinclude the cosmos,the world and nature.The farthest distance that it is theoretically possible forhumansto see, called the observable universe, is about 93 billionlightyears in diameter. Scientific observation of the Universe hasledto inferences of its earlier stages. These observationssuggestthat the Universe has been governed by the same physicallaws andconstants throughout most of its extent and history. TheBig Bangtheory is the prevailing cosmological model that describestheearly development of the Universe, which is calculated tohavebegun 13.798 ± 0.037 billion years ago. Observations haveshownthat the Universe appears to be expanding at anacceleratingrate.
Analog Clock Space Theme 1.7
"Analog Clock Space Theme" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass, batteryleveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Analog Clock Space Theme"
Space Quasar HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Quasar HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Quasar HD Live Wallpaper"A quasi-stellar radio source is a very energetic anddistantactive galactic nucleus. Quasars are extremely luminous andwerefirst identified as being high redshift sources ofelectromagneticenergy, including radio waves and visible light,that werepoint-like, similar to stars, rather than extended sourcessimilarto galaxies.While the nature of these objects was controversial untilasrecently as the early 1980s, there is now a scientificconsensusthat a quasar is a compact region in the center of amassivegalaxy, that surrounds its central supermassive black hole.Itssize is 10–10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the blackhole.The quasar is powered by an accretion
System Info Galaxy Theme LWP 1.7
"System Info Galaxy Theme LWP" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "System Info Galaxy Theme LWP"
Galaxy Theme HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Galaxy Theme HD Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Galaxy Theme HD Live Wallpaper"
Space Compass Navigator HD LWP 1.7
"Space Compass Navigator HD LWP" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Compass Navigator HD LWP"
Space Tourism Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Tourism Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Tourism Live Wallpaper"Space tourism is space travel for recreational, leisureorbusiness purposes. A number of startup companies have sprung upinrecent years, hoping to create a space tourism industry.Orbitalspace tourism opportunities have been limited and expensive,withonly the Russian Space Agency providing transport to date.
Space Battery Indicator HD LWP 1.7
"Space Battery Indicator HD LWP" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Battery Indicator HD LWP"
Deep Space HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Deep Space HD Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Deep Space HD Live Wallpaper"
Galaxy Transparent Wallpaper 1.7
"Galaxy Transparent Wallpaper" starts newspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Galaxy Transparent Wallpaper"
Moon Space HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Moon Space HD Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassThe Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth, andthefifth largest satellite in the Solar System. It is thelargestnatural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relativeto thesize of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% thedensity ofEarth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. The Moon is the seconddensestsatellite after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, alwaysshowingthe same face with its near side marked by dark volcanicmaria thatfill between the bright ancient crustal highlands and theprominentimpact craters. It is the brightest object in the skyafter theSun, although its surface is actually very dark, with areflectancesimilar to that of coal. Its prominence in the sky andits regularcycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moonanimportant cultural influence on language, calendars, artandmythology. The Moon's gravitational influence produces theoceantides and the minute lengthening of the day. The Moon'scurrentorbital distance, about thirty times the diameter of theEarth,causes it to appear almost the same size in the sky as theSun,allowing it to cover the Sun nearly precisely in totalsolareclipses. This matching of apparent visual size is acoincidence.The Moon's linear distance from the Earth is currentlyincreasingat a rate of 3.82±0.07cm per year, but this rate isnotconstant.HOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Moon Space HD Live Wallpaper"
Galaxy Theme Battery Indicator 1.7
"Galaxy Theme Battery Indicator" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Galaxy Theme Battery Indicator"
Mars Deep Space Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Mars Deep Space Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassMars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the secondsmallestplanet in the Solar System. Named after the Roman god ofwar, it isoften described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxideprevalent onits surface gives it a reddish appearance. Mars is aterrestrialplanet with a thin atmosphere, having surface featuresreminiscentboth of the impact craters of the Moon and thevolcanoes, valleys,deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth. Therotational period andseasonal cycles of Mars are likewise similarto those of Earth, asis the tilt that produces the seasons. Mars isthe site of OlympusMons, the second highest known mountain withinthe Solar System(the tallest on a planet), and of Valles Marineris,one of thelargest canyons. The smooth Borealis basin in thenorthernhemisphere covers 40% of the planet and may be a giantimpactfeature. Mars has two known moons, Phobos and Deimos, whicharesmall and irregularly shaped. These may be capturedasteroids,similar to 5261 Eureka, a Martian trojan asteroid.HOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Mars Deep Space Live Wallpaper"
Ice Galaxy HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Ice Galaxy HD Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Ice Galaxy HD Live Wallpaper"
Black Hole HD Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Black Hole HD Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Black Hole HD Live Wallpaper"A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravitypreventsanything, including light, from escaping. The theory ofgeneralrelativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass willdeformspacetime to form a black hole. Around a black hole, thereis amathematically defined surface called an event horizon thatmarksthe point of no return. The hole is called "black" becauseitabsorbs all the light that hits the horizon, reflectingnothing,just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics. Quantumfieldtheory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizonsemitradiation like a black body with a finite temperature.Thistemperature is inversely proportional to the mass of theblackhole, making it difficult to observe this radiation for blackholesof stellar mass or greater.
Space Compass Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Space Compass Live Wallpaper" starts newspacegalaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combines awesomeuniversetheme and useful system widget like clock, compass,battery leveland battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Space Compass Live Wallpaper"
Satelite Clock Live Wallpaper 1.7
"Satelite Clock Live Wallpaper" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Satelite Clock Live Wallpaper"
Blue Theme Planet Compass LWP 1.7
"Blue Theme Planet Compass LWP" startsnewspace galaxy series of HD Live Wallpapers that combinesawesomeuniverse theme and useful system widget like clock,compass,battery level and battery temperature indicators.Features:Realistic galaxy viewsHD graphicsSmooth slidingSpace ClockBattery level indicatorsBattery temperature indicatorsCompassHOW TO USE:- Hit "Menu" or Longhold on your homescreen- Select "Wallpaper"- Select "Live Wallpapers"- Choose "Blue Theme Planet Compass LWP"